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Stressed is desserts spelled backwards

>> Saturday, January 2, 2010

Ok so not officially, but another thing that I need to get over is stress. I get especially stressed when I go back to school. And since I have about a week left before I return. I should probably figure out some ways to deal with stress. I don't necessarily deal with my stress, it's more like I get freaked out and super frustrated and yet I continue to do work. So I basically work myself up, and stress myself out to be perfect. Therefore I'm trying not to do that this year. lol.

To combat this I'm going to start exercising on a weekly basis. And journal on a more consistant basis. These are my main methods of coping with stress. And also trying to procrastinate less. Also getting sufficient sleep helps A LOT! So get sleep, procrastinate less, and exercise and write stressful things down.

And even though, the title of this post is stressed is desserts spelled backwards. I don't necessarily find that, that is the best solution to stress. Although desserts are enjoyable.


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It is one girl's journey in Herbalife, and growth into adult hood. It's mainly a personal blog but it also talks a lot of Herbalife too. Herbalife, has been a main part of my life for fourteen years, and I am now using it to help build a successful business. So come and follow the ride. :)
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