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Dream Big

>> Friday, January 8, 2010

"When you know what you want, and you want it badly enough, you'll find a way to get it." - Jim Rohn

I just got back from Richmond, and things are starting to go into motion. School is starting on Monday, and I'm excited to start my semester. I have many goals that I want to accomplish this semester. And to make my dreams more of a solid, and tangible thing to touch. I was inspired by Jim Rohn to make a dream box.

A dream box is basically a box, or jar, or canister, that can hold your dreams. It's so simple to do. You write down your dreams, and goals, and aspirations that you want on pieces of paper and put it in the jar. Your goals and dreams can range from something small like reading a book, or traveling to Japan. But whatever, your aspirati
ons may be write them down.

Here's a look at my dream jar:

It's really simple to make your own dream jar. You take a jar, and cut out pictures that you like or inspire you. I'm using an Herbalife shake canister, and cutouts from a travel magazine. And I just taped them on, so its really quick and easy. Down below is my finished dream jar. I have pictures of Italy, Egypt and Japan because those are the dream places that I want to go to.

And here are some pics of my actual "dreams" that I put into my jar. Some of my dreams include: reading more health & nutrition books; adopting an animal from the shelter; and learning how to read & write in Chinese.

What are some of your dreams!? and how did your dream jar turn out?

Happy Dreaming!!


Beth Ruby January 16, 2010 at 6:40 AM  

Love this post!
It's such a cute idea I am going to have to make one for myself.
Love the way you have decorated yours aswell.
Once you have accomplished a dream by the way do you take it out of the jar and add a new one or what?
Please let me know as a comment on my blog if you know because I really want to try it out!
Hope you achieve all your dreams :)
And thanks for sharing this inspiring post.

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About This Blog

It is one girl's journey in Herbalife, and growth into adult hood. It's mainly a personal blog but it also talks a lot of Herbalife too. Herbalife, has been a main part of my life for fourteen years, and I am now using it to help build a successful business. So come and follow the ride. :)
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