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2008 Doctor's Tour

>> Monday, December 22, 2008

Last night, I attended the last stop on Dr. Luigi Gratton's Doctor tour in Washington, D.C.
It was yet another great Herbalife training! I learned so much more on the nutritional aspects of the Formula one shake, and omega-3's and omega-6's.

Here are just a few things that I have learned:

Our bodys create villi which are like the "doorman of our bodies" inviting the good nutrients and shoos away the bad bacteria. There an important part of our immune systems. It is what helps us with absorption of the things we put into our mouth.

The ingredients that are present in the formula one shake are :
  1. Glutamine - which feed the villi and are amino acids. that help build lean body weight. And there is about 12- 15 g present in formula one.
  2. Arginine - this is also present in niteworks, and helps create more nitric oxide. which in turn prevents the hardening of the arteries.
  3. Branched chain amino acids
After Dr. Luigi's presentation on formula one, he followed it up with a great Q & A. And he answered a lot of great questions including topics such as diabetes, children with autism, pregnancy.. and other topics as well. That I plan on expanding on in my next posts.


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It is one girl's journey in Herbalife, and growth into adult hood. It's mainly a personal blog but it also talks a lot of Herbalife too. Herbalife, has been a main part of my life for fourteen years, and I am now using it to help build a successful business. So come and follow the ride. :)
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