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My Story

>> Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Let's see I unknowingly began Herbalife when I was 6 year's old. Well not unknowingly but my parents would give me the shakes for breakfast, and gradually I learned how to swallow vitamins by practicing with M&M's. My childhood was a very interesting one, both my parents worked and owned their own chinese restuarant. I rarely saw my father, yes I do remember, and sometimes if I were lucky I would go to the restuarant too. Then my mother found Herbalife through my aunt, and she lost about 30 pounds or so, and at the time she also had Lupus. Then my dad got on the products and also lost about 30 pounds. That was it, my mom and dad quit the restaurant business and started working with Herbalife full-time. They worked from home, and eventually we moved into a bigger house, that my mom designed. As time went on, our success in Herbalife only got better. We would go on extravaganzas in Thailand, Taiwan, California, and even on a cruise ship. I was a really lucky kid and I still am.

Anyways, fast forward to 12 years and now I'm 18 years old and still eating the Herbalife products. And starting my journey as an Herbalife Independent distributor.


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About This Blog

It is one girl's journey in Herbalife, and growth into adult hood. It's mainly a personal blog but it also talks a lot of Herbalife too. Herbalife, has been a main part of my life for fourteen years, and I am now using it to help build a successful business. So come and follow the ride. :)
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